The Association for Movement and Sports Sciences (VBSW) brings together young and more experienced scientists in movement and sports sciences in Flanders.
29th VBSW Symposium - 6 December 2024 - Brussels
Dear Movement and Sports Scientists
We welcome you to Brussels on Friday 6 December 2024 for the 29th edition of the annual Symposium of the Association for Movement and Sports Sciences.
The programme is available below and registrations are now open. We are already looking forward to seeing you back on the green campus of our capital city!
Registration for the VBSW symposium is possible until Thursday the 28th of November 2024 via "Symposium" >> "Inschrijven".
Kind regards,
The VBSW board
08u15 - 09u00 Registration and welcome (Nelson Mandela room)
08u30 - 09u00 Poster installation (Nelson Mandela room)
09u00 - 09u10 Welcome by VBSW president Eva D'Hondt (Aula Qd)
09u10 - 09u50 Keynote 1 by Prof. Bruno Tassignon (UHasselt, Belgium - Aula Qd)
"Sports ligament injuries and the brain"
09u50 - 10u50 Oral presentations I (Gaston Beunen award) - 4 presentations (Aula Qd)
10u50 - 11u15 Coffee break + poster installation (Nelson Mandela room)
11u15 - 12u15 Oral presentations II (Gaston Beunen award) - 4 presentations (Aula Qd)
12u15 - 12u45 Lunch (Nelson Mandela room)
12u45 - 13u45 Poster session (Nelson Mandela zaal)
13u45 - 14u25 Keynote 2 by Prof. Sylvain Laborde (GSE, Cologne, Germany - Aula Qd)
"Heart rate variability in sport: Enhancing performance and well-being listening to heart-brain conversations"
14u25 - 15u25 Oral presentations III (Gaston Beunen award) - 4 presentations (Aula Qd)
15u25 - 15u30 Public voting moment (Aula Qd)
15u30 - 15u50 General assemblee by VBSW-voorzitter Eva D'Hondt (Aula Qd)
15u50 - 16u10 Award session (Aula Qd)
16u10 - ... Reception (Nelson Mandela room)